Death As An Enemy
8:38 AM Thursday, August 26, 2010
Taken from Peter Kreeft's book, Love Is Stronger Than Death:
Death is loss, loss of life. Life is good. Loss of a good is an evil. Therefore death is an evil. Loss of a great good is a great evil. Therefore death is a great evil. Not to see this is a great blindness. Blindness is a great evil. Therefore not to see death as a great evil is a great evil. Death is loss of being, denial of being, the enemy of being. It is the reduction of being to nonbeing, the undoing of creation. Death is the most uncreative thing there is. It literally uncreates creation, whether it is the creation of man or God, whether it is a painting destroyed by fire, or a nation destroyed by war, a soul destroyed by vice, or a body destroyed by cancer. Death is an enemy of God. It undoes the divine work, creation. If man is the friend of God, he must be the enemy of death. God's enemy must be his enemy. "Do I not hate them that hate Thee, o God? I hate them with perfect hatred; I count them my enemies."