Why "Virtual Pastors" are a Problem
3:35 PM Saturday, March 6, 2010At least R. Scott Clark thinks they are a problem . . . and I'm inclined to agree. Ever since I heard of "multi site churches" I thought it was a bad idea. For starters, is it even biblical? The typical answer seems to be one of pragmatism. Of course, as Clark notes, this pragmatism is couched in terms of being "Missional." Clark calls multi site pastors "holographic pastors." Some of you may respond by saying, "But Mark Driscoll and John Piper do it!" I know. I'm still not convinced. Here's why Clark thinks it's a bad idea:
"Ministry is not entertainment. It is ministry. We are called to administer God’s Word, to bring it to his people and to everyone. A hologram is not a person. A hologram cannot hear God’s people. It cannot see God’s people. It cannot feel the needs that God’s people have. It cannot baptize or administer holy communion. It cannot visit the sick. It cannot bury the dead."
To read the whole post go here
To learn more about Scott Clark go here