A Response to my article "Pentecostal Pneumatology"
12:27 PM Saturday, September 20, 2008My friend Stephen has replied to my article that I wrote a while back. I will post it below for you to read. Feel free to make any comments. Here it is:
Although, I would ordinarily not comment about my differences with other Pentecostals I though you may be interested in knowing that as a Conservative Trinitarian Pentecostal, I do not hold to any of the fallowing teachings and practices that are somewhat related to Pentecostal and Charismatic believes:
Total Sanctification, Guarantee Healing, The Faith Movement (aka “the Bless me Club”), and other weird manifestations that have no Scriptural validity such as being “drunk in the Spirit” which at times may be exhibited through hysterical laughter or “holy laughter", physical spasms or jerks, falling down on the floor under the Holy Spirit's power this is also known as being “slain in the Spirit", and some are know to even roll across the floor also known as “Holy Rollers”. I also wish to express my total disapproval for these violent preachers that claim God tells them to push, punch, kick, and even tackle people in order for God to heal them? The All-powerful Spirit of the Living God does not need man’s help to overwhelm the human body so I don’t appreciate these preachers and believers that do these crazy and violent acts in the name of God. Though I believe in the laying on of hands and on impartation (1 Timothy 4:14) there is no need for violence.
Personally, I would NOT go as far as some and declare that these manifestations are demonic. Nor will I confirm that they are cause by the Holy Spirit since I CANNOT find any specific Scriptural support for these behaviors and manifestations. Yet it is highly provable that when the glorious and all-powerful Spirit of God touches an individual or a group of people they will be overwhelmed. Having said this, one important fact must be noted; EVERY TIME THE HOLY SPIRIT CAME UPON A PERSON OR AN INDIVIDUAL WAS FULL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT; IT WAS FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES THAT ACCOMPLISH GOD’S WILL AND BROUGHT GLORY TO GOD. THE HOLY SPIRIT IS NOT IN US AND WITH US TO GIVE US TRILLS AND CHILLS; RATHER HE WAS PROMISED BY THE FATHER AND SEND BY THE SON, PRIMARILY TO REVEAL OUR NEED FOR JESUS CHRIST AND TO CONFORM BELIEVERS INTO THE LIKENESS OF THE SON.
In you blog you wrote “Regarding Pentecostalism being the fastest growing movement, it must at least be noted that numbers or growth does not necessarily signal God’s blessing. Mormons and Muslims are also growing fairly quickly” But I feel that Pentecostals should be compared with other legitimate orthodox Christian denominations; not cults and false religions. Are there no other legitimate orthodox Christian denominations that are experiencing rapid growth, which you can use as an example to prove your point? Ultimately, by comparing us with a cult and false religion you are implying that our growth is not from God. Such an erroneous statement would bring into question your onw conversion. For by your own admission it was through passionate Pentecostals that you heared the Gospel of Salvation. Pentecostals and Charismatics are expanding the Kingdom of God; if that is not indicative of God’s blessing, then what is?
Secondly, about “sola Scritura”:
THERE IS NO NEW REVELATION, only that which has already been written and canonized because the full council of God’s will has been declared. There are no new revelations only a re-illuminating of Biblical Truth upon every new generation because only through the Spirit can we know God and live in accordance to His will. The ministry of the Holy Spirit today is conforming that the Canonized Truth (the Bible) which He inspired still stands because the God of the Bible is still the LIVING GOD among His people! Therefore, the Bible is still the final authority and the Holy Spirit is still confirming the Canonized Word and the Gospel of the Kingdom with signs and wonders.
All contemporary forms of spiritual advice, leadings of the Spirit, spiritual guidance, prophecy, word of knowledge, word of wisdom, inspired preaching, prophetic teaching, and revelations of God’s will concerning anything; are only valid if these are in line with the Scriptures; for the Holy Spirit inspired the Scriptures and would never lead a believer to do contrary to what the Scriptures teach. Thus even for Continuationist the Scriptures are and will always be the final authority!
Thirdly, you missed the fact that I did mention Acts 10 namely the events that transpired at Cornelius House in Caesarea. The fallowing is a direct quote from my blog: “In three of the five instances where the initial in-filling or the Baptism of the Holy Spirit took place; namely: Jerusalem (Acts 2:4), Caesarea (Acts 10:46), and Ephesus (Acts 19:6), such speech in "tongues" is specifically mentioned….”
Although the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is generally received at a later time subsequent to Salvation; it is tough within Pentecostal circles that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit can happen at the time of conversion although this is unusual. I do not know of anyone that has experience it in this manner.
You may also want to re-read and study Acts 19:1-7.
Acts 19:4 Paul said, "John's baptism was a baptism of repentance. He told the people to believe in the one coming after him, that is, in Jesus." 5 On hearing this, they were baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus. 6 When Paul placed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied. NIV
Here Paul led a group of twelve Ephesians to faith and water baptism in Jesus' name, but it was necessary that he take a further step for them to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. First they are converted by the hearing of the Word being preach, then only after he had lay his hands on them did they receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Next you comment on the implications of the doctrine of Subsequence Tongues: “…I believe that if this is true, the implications of it are disastrous. Why disastrous? Because many within Pentecostal and Charismatic circles have not received this baptism. I know this from experience. Many within these circles are praying and seeking desperately to receive this experience and it never happens.” However, the word “many” here is an exaggeration. For by very definition the word “many” means most, lots of, or the majority of, consisting of or amounting to a large but indefinite number. So if the majority of 500 million adheres are not experiencing the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, then Pentecostal and Charismatic denominations would cease to exist. After all the doctrine of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and His present work among believers is one of the most important doctrines within Pentecostal and Charismatic circles. The reality is that very few within these circles do not experience the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Regarding the doctrine of “Subsequent Tongues” classical Pentecostal believes that the initial evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is speaking in other languages unknown to the speaker. You should know that not all Pentecostals believe in the doctrine of Subsequence Tongues. In fact most Charismatics don’t. I personally cannot say conclusively that all believers must speak in tongues. I will however point out that God certainly made much of it; because whenever the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is mention the majority of the accounts explicitly declare that all spoke in tongues. In addition the Apostle Paul, whom is arguably the greatest theologian in the New Testament said that he spoke in tongues more than any of the other believers which would attest to the value and importance of tongues. I’m not saying that the gift of tongues is the most important gift but it is very beneficial in a believer’s life; for every good and perfect gift comes from God. The gift of tongues has been a great blessing in my life and proven very useful in my time of personal worship and prayer with God as it has often lead me into God’s Presence.
I think that when it is all said and done; it all boils down to whether or not the Acts account was normative for the Church in every generation or did God work in an unusual way with the young Church? How does one distinguish those things which are normal for the Church in general and those which are not? As a student of the TRUTH I want my theology to be shaped by the Scriptures and nothing else. Therefore, I will continue to do research on this subject of and then get back to you.
Your brother in Christ,
Stephen Garcia
Im going to respond to these 2 points right now why well I just woke up (hahahaha)
Stephen Garcia said this:
“In you blog you wrote “Regarding Pentecostalism being the fastest growing movement, it must at least be noted that numbers or growth does not necessarily signal God’s blessing. Mormons and Muslims are also growing fairly quickly” But I feel that Pentecostals should be compared with other legitimate orthodox Christian denominations; not cults and false religions. Are there no other legitimate orthodox Christian denominations that are experiencing rapid growth, which you can use as an example to prove your point? Ultimately, by comparing us with a cult and false religion you are implying that our growth is not from God. Such an erroneous statement would bring into question your now conversion. For by your own admission it was through passionate Pentecostals that you heared the Gospel of Salvation. Pentecostals and Charismatics are expanding the Kingdom of God; if that is not indicative of God’s blessing, then what is?”
My response:
I’m going to point out that you feel that Pentecostals should be seen as a legitimate “orthodox” Christian group. That doesn’t mean it is or will be and the more radical elements definitely should not be accepted at all! Next what orthodox stand point are coming from ? im assuming Protestant and for someone like me that isn’t orthodoxy but heterodoxy; also im going to point out evening if our good brother Joe was saved in a Pentecostal church does mean that it is good even St Paul said that some preach out of Jealousy (Phillip 1:15) So it could easily been seen as God had mercy on him then removed him from a group he (Joe ) did not need to be around.
You need to state what orthodoxy is to you and not just say orthodox because what you see and I see are completely different in some cases.
Stephen Garcia said this:
“Thirdly, you missed the fact that I did mention Acts 10 namely the events that transpired at Cornelius House in Caesarea. The fallowing is a direct quote from my blog: “In three of the five instances where the initial in-filling or the Baptism of the Holy Spirit took place; namely: Jerusalem (Acts 2:4), Caesarea (Acts 10:46), and Ephesus (Acts 19:6), such speech in "tongues" is specifically mentioned….”
Although the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is generally received at a later time subsequent to Salvation; it is tough within Pentecostal circles that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit can happen at the time of conversion although this is unusual. I do not know of anyone that has experience it in this manner.”
My response:
I will not deny the fact that this can happen with the Holy Spirit being in believers before baptism because it happened to me. Does this make it normative by no means we find that in most cases believers got the Holy Spirit at baptism. I also have to ask does tongues show forth salvation? No, the fruit of the spirit show forth a regenerated soul. Also Just because the Pentecostal groups speak in “tongues” doesn’t mean that it is correct because in all cases that you see tongues being used in Scripture it is a foreign language not some mystical angelic tongue. Now I believe in this gift of tongues that would be seen as you couldn’t speak Russian and then you can. The purpose of tongues it to preach the Gospel in a foreign land that you don’t know their language. The best chance you have to show that “tongues” are some mystical angelic language is when St. Paul says though I speak with the tongues of men or angels (1 corin 13:1) then we must ask what is the tongues of angels? Well in every case in the Scriptures when an angel spoke it was in the known language of the people it spoke to.
So I would say your holding to something that is completely unbiblical and historical which means you really have no reason to believe in this type of tounges.
Allen Bailey
Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus
Anonymous September 26, 2008 at 7:44 AM